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Banane o Noccioline /Bananas or Peanuts
Modulo Protesta/Protest Form

Come compilare il Form da sottoporre al Comitato Proteste del Vskrestart.
Evidenzia il form in giallo che segue (tenendo premuto il tasto sin del mouse) e fai copia (click col tasto destro oppure control+C). Poi clicca su “nuovo argomento” e si apre una nuova discussione .Compila il campo oggetto con ad es "BoN n. xxx Albervita vs Donmasino" e nella finestra che si apre incolla il form che hai copiato (Control+V) e compilalo con i campi richiesti e con gli allegati richiesti. Al termine premi "Invia". Eventuali modifiche possono essere introdotte in qualunque momento premendo "modifica".
Dopo aver cliccato il pulsante "invio" attendere il messaggio di chiusura del processo.
In questo modo la protesta verrà pubblicata .
La protesta va inoltrata in accordo con le disposizioni dell'ART. 11 del "Regolamento Generale Regate di Flotta" del VSKRestart.
Per velocizzare l' upload si consiglia di convertire gli screeshots che il gioco salva in formato bmp (parecchi megabyte) in formato jpg (pochi kilobyte).

How to fill the Form to be submitted to the Vskrestart Protest Committee
Evidence the form that follows in yellow (keeping the left button) and make "Copy" (eithr with the right button or "Control+C"). Then click on “New Topic” and a thread is opened. Fill the Object field with for example "BoN n. xxx Albervita vs Donmasino") and in the windows below past the form (Control+V) and fill the fields required with the required annexes. At the end press Invio/Send.Should you need any modification you could do it anytime by pressing "modifica".
After clicking the "submit" button, wait for the message of the closing process.
In this way the Protest will be published .
The protest must be hailed in accordance with the provisions of ART. 11 of the VSKRestart "Fleet Race General Rules"
To speed up the upload, it is suggested to convert the screenshot from .bmp (heavy) to .jpg (light) format.

Fields required *
Your boat name - tuo nome barca * :
Date - data * : xx.xx. 202x
BoN number - numero *
Group / Girone * (A, B, C)
Final * (Banane o Noccioline)

Protested boat - barca protestata *
Time infraction - minuto infrazione
ex; 12:35
Description-descrizione *
Vsk It gave penalty ? vsk ha dato penalità ?
yes - si
what ? - quale ?
ex: 18.2.a
screenshot *
screenshot 1 xyz.jpg
screenshot 2 xyz.jpg
Redress requested ? : Y/N (If Y replay is required *)

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TOPIC: Protest final banana 23 feb 2023

Protest final banana 23 feb 2023 1 year 2 weeks ago #5788

  • NorOne
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Final banana 23 feb 2024
NorOne vs Mcdida time 23.51 Med bare full at top mark and stop me.. he got 10. but almost no lost of time after take pen, vs me .
Nor one vs Max Chrises time 28.56. He Sail into me and got pen, 11. After that he close my wat to finish line, ant hunt me, so i got pen too.
And after his 2nd pen, he ask for Cansel. I hit wrong button, and cancelled it. Sorry, but race is npc.
This bargaing boat at top mark and hunting at finish line destroy my race. I ask for redress, think i would have been 4-6 in normal race.
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Protest final banana 23 feb 2023 1 year 2 weeks ago #5791

The present answer is not for NorOne only but could apply so far to many friends of Vskrestart.
We are a little disappointed because we lost time to set protest rules that are regularly unattended.
1. Each protest should be issued with a clear indication : i.e BoN 345 fin Bananas NorOne vs McDida
2. Each protest should be issued separately in order to allow us to post separate Committee decisions
3 The protest should use the format indicated
4 The screenshot indicating "P Skipper" should be taken during race
5 Any other screenshot taken from replay has no value especially if it can be read with a magnification lens only.
6. When asking redress the replay enclosure is mandatory.
etc... etc...
For the above reason the protests is dismissed
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The following user(s) said Thank You: NorOne

Protest final banana 23 feb 2023 1 year 2 weeks ago #5792

  • LAJ2
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I have to ask VSKRST to make a system for protesting wich ihs more easy to use. Ref the Winter Cup and HDTANNIVERSARY CUP 2024. And make it more clare when it is posible to protest. You have races with qualiifications every racedays. That makes it imposible to make protests unless you jundge them right after in the q-races. So protest can be filed for final races, if any, but you must make a platform for it that will be easy to use.
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Protest final banana 23 feb 2023 1 year 2 weeks ago #5793

  • LAJ2
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I will ask VSKRST to look at the situation that NORONE ask comentation for one more time with focus to what happend in the last part of the the race. What happend there is somthing that the judges must stop, it is a rule 2 case. And no protest from the sailors is needed for judging.
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Protest final banana 23 feb 2023 1 year 1 week ago #5795

1) Regarding the protest form where is the problem ?
As described, it is sufficient to make copy and past of the suggested form amd then fill it with the necessary info.
The info requested are those of all other protest forms in use.
2) Apart from 16.1 and 17.1 that can be asked and cancelled Vskrestart races are NPC.

The only exception is RRS 2. The relevant protest , even if referred to a qualification race should be issued in any case. (obviously with all info, screenshots, replay required) and the Committee will take decision consistent with the situation. For the finals no problem , for the qualif other steps could be taken such as warning, point reduction, exclusion from one or more evening race etc...
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Protest final banana 23 feb 2023 1 year 1 week ago #5796

  • LAJ2
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 17
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Thx for clarifications. To your question about what is the problem: It is as simpel as its not working for all of us. I have tried a couple of times to fill in a protest and added screenshots, and with no saving results. Its not there the day after. If this is only a problem for me, forget about it. But the numbers of protest is very low compare to other competitions, so I really wonder why. It is many sailors now that I meet in the other events, and they are laways in focus on rules. I hope that others can share their experiance here, so we can find out if there is a problem or not.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: NorOne
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