Bon 473 01/03/2024
NorOne vs Fiacca ItWolves
P at Fiacca time 16.00 to 16.50
Fiacca sailed too far to right, before bottom mark.
Ask him to check, and tack.
When he finally tacked, wi had to go Twa 137 +/- to mark.
We lost plases both, Think from 3-4 to 8-9.
His only purpose was to destroy my race for some reason.
When we approach mark, i was inside, but he drop into mark, so i had to pass, or tack. Try to write, give room, but was not time, and insted i pass mark at wrong side, and got pen.
Was not possible to avoid him, luff up behind. Would then have got pen sincs he not was slear in front.
Ask for redress.